5 Bottle Feeding Must Haves
How you end up feeding your baby always seems to cause a lot of controversy. I don’t really understand it. As long as your baby is fed that should be all that matters. I ended up having to formula feed since I didn’t produce any milk. Nevertheless, whether you formula feed or pump you will end up bottle feeding (unless you strictly breastfeed without pumping). These are my 5 bottle feeding must haves. This post contains affiliate links. I may get a small commission at no extra cost to you. For more information check the sidebar. Bottles This one is obvious, but what bottles you pick will make a huge…
10 Newborn Must Haves
When you are pregnant with your first baby, and you need to make a registry, it can be extremely overwhelming. I decided to make a list of my 10 newborn must haves. I’m not including diapers, wipes, and onesies. Those three are obvious. All of these items are the exact (or as close to as possible) to what I have used with my little ones when they were newborns. Disclaimer: This post has affiliate links. Please check sidebar for more information. 10 Newborn Must Haves Baby Brezza Formula Pro This was my life saver. Unfortunately, I was unable to breastfeed due to lack of milk; however, formula was perfectly fine…