5 Halloween Books to Read with Your Kids
TI have rounded up five Halloween books for you to read with your kids just like yesterday’s six cute Halloween movies. All of these books are available in a physical book and on Kindle Unlimited. Personally, I love a good mix of physical books and on my Kindle app. These books are geared for kids from as little as two up until ten. Hopefully you find a book on here to read with your child, niece, nephew, etc. 5 Halloween Books for Kids Corduroy’s Best Halloween Ever by Jean Palmer At the Old Haunted House by Helen Ketteman When the Clock Strikes on Halloween by Lisa Ferland Sammy’s Spooktacular Halloween by…
Children’s Book of the Week: Explode The Code primers
This week’s book of the week is different from normal. Usually I post about books we are readying; however, this week I’m talking about a series of books I’ve been using to teach DJ how to write and phonics. The books are Explode The Code primers by Nancy Hall. There are three books in total. They’re the primer books for her Explode the Code series. I really wanted DJ to get a head start on learning how to write and say his letters correctly before Kindergarten started. Originally, I was doing them every single day. However, COVID got in the way. David started working from home, and things needed to be shifted…
Children’s Book of the Week: Lacey Walker, Nonstop Talker
I’m back with another children’s book of the week. This week’s book is Lacey Walker, Nonstop Talker written by Christianne Jones, and illustrated by Richard Watson. As usual, I am using Kindle Unlimited to read this book. I haven’t actually read this book with DJ and Brooklyn yet, but I do plan on it tonight. However, I have read this book myself to make sure it was a good fit for them and this blog. Lacey Walker, Nonstop Talker Lacey Walker, Nonstop Talker follows around a little owl named Lacey. She has a habit of talking nonstop. She constantly needs to be reminded to do what she needs to do and to…
Children’s Book of the Week: Eraser
It’s time for another children’s book of the week! I always look forward to these posts, because I love discovering new books to read to DJ and Brooklyn. This week’s book is Eraser written by Anna Kang and illustrated by Christopher Weyant. As usual, I have this book through Kindle Unlimited. Eraser is a new book in our collection, and I haven’t actually read it to DJ and Brooklyn yet. However, I’m extremely excited to read it to them tonight. I have read it through a few times to make sure it’s a good fit. In addition, I wanted to be able to share it with you. This story follows around an Eraser.…
Children’s Book of the Week: The Bad Seed
It’s time for another children’s book of the week! This week I’m going to be sharing The Bad Seed written by Jory John & illustrated Pete Oswald. As usual, I have this book through Kindle Unlimited. Sign up and get your first month free! The Bad Seed is definitely a bedtime favorite for DJ. Not only is the illustration gorgeous, but we love the story. DJ loves yelling, “I’M A BAAAAAD SEED!” This book follows a “bad” seed. He starts off by explaining all the bad things he does. In addition, he explains why he is the way he is. He told us his life story, and why he became a “bad” seed.…
3 Cute Christmas Books for Little Kids
Welcome to day five of Blogmas! I’m sure it is not surprise I love books. That’s why I do a book of the week almost every week. I tend to stick to children’s books, and I don’t share every single book we read together. During Blogmas I’m sharing holiday themed books; however, I’m only getting to share four holiday books this month. I wanted to share three more Christmas books for little kids that I think are adorable. As usual these books are on Kindle Unlimited. We pay for it monthly, and get good use out of it. Hopefully, you can find some new books that you hadn’t heard of…
Children’s Book of the Week: The Magic of Friendship Snow
Welcome to day two of Blogmas! During Blogmas all of the book of the week posts will be holiday or winter themed. I got this week’s book through Kindle Unlimited. This week’s book is The Magic of Friendship Snow by Andi Cann. It was so cute, and I loved reading it to DJ and Brooklyn. It is a bit long at 62 pages; however, half of those are pictures. In addition, each page is no more than four sentences long. Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. I may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. For more information please check out my sidebar The Magic of Friendship…
Children’s Book of the Week: Neon Tiki Tribe
I’m back with another book of the week. Actually, this is a set of thirteen books. I was actually sent these books, but was not to do a review or anything in return for them. However, I really wanted to share these books with you. I think these books would be a great present for any child. It doesn’t matter if you have read it to them or if they read. First, I wanted to mention that they use a specific font for dyslexic readers called Dyslexie. If you ask me that is amazing. Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. I may earn a small commission at no additional cost…
I Wrote a Cookbook!
I can’t believe I’m writing this post. Never in my life did I think I’d be able to sat I wrote a cookbook. Yet here I am writing this post for all of you. This is the most exciting post I’ve ever written, and I can’t stop smiling. I am so grateful to all of you who continue to read my blog. You have all made my dream a reality. A huge shout out to my husband, The Vegas Dad, David for always encouraging me even when I thought I wouldn’t be able to do it. The Vegas Mom vs. Picky Eaters is currently available on the Kindle market. Luckily,…
Children’s Book of the Week: Sinister Summer by C.A. Hartnell
I’ve been gone for a while. I was prepping for family road trip and vacation. We’re still on vacation, and getting ready to head back home. I’m back now though with another book of the week. This week’s book was sent to me by a local Las Vegas author. In fact I was sent all four book in The 1950s Adventures of Pete and Carol Ann. I’m going to be reviewing book two for you; Sinister Summer: Cars, Cruisers, & Close Calls. Sinister Summer: Cars, Cruisers, & Close Calls by C.A. Hartnell I absolutely love this book. This is the first time I have done a book of the week for…