• Extra Chocolatey Brownies with Salted Caramel Drizzle | www.thevegasmom.com

    Extra Chocolatey Brownies with Salted Caramel Drizzle

    Now that fall has arrived it’s time my baking hits high gear. I was really wanting to making brownies, because for some reason this is the hardest thing for me to master still. However, I wanted to incorporate a little bit of fall flavor into my brownies. Which is how I came up with brownies with salted caramel drizzle. Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. I may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. For more information please check out my sidebar. Items I used: Kitchenmaid Stand Mixer Rubber Spatula (Mine are this brand, I just can’t find the exact ones) Aluminum Pan Squeeze Bottle Brownies The…