Creating a Homeschool Pre-K Schedule
When deciding the what to do for DJ starting Pre-K we decided to homeschool. I’m a stay at home mom, and I used to be a preschool teacher. It was an easy choice. The hardest thing for me was to figure out a schedule to follow. Creating a homeschool Pre-K schedule took a little bit of planning. I wanted to figure out the right amount of time to teach. Another thing I needed to figure out was what to focus on. DJ is pretty up to speed with everything. The only thing he really needs to work on learning to write and read. So that is there first thing I wanted to do each day. After he learns to write I will work on reading.
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Homeschool Pre-K Schedule:
8:30-9: Breakfast
9-9:30 Writing
9:30-10 Art
10-10:30 Snack
10:30-11 Music, Movement, and Story time
11-11:30 Science
11:30-12 Math
12-12:30 Lunch
It is a fairly simple schedule. I decided to do 3 hours of school broken up into 30 minute increments. I even planned breakfast and lunch on my schedule, but those aren’t part of the three hours. Currently, we are doing writing in the Highlights Preschool Big Fun Workbook. It has 4 pages for each letter. That is as far as we are now; however, I know there is numbers, words, colors, and more.
Art is anything from coloring to crafts. It all depends on what the focus is that week. Snack time is self explanatory, but if you have a child you know how much they love their snacks. After snack time I want to get him moving. I put on some music for us to sing and dance to for about fifteen to twenty minutes. That is followed up by a story. You can check out any of my book of the weeks to get a good idea of what we are reading.
Science and math take up the last hour of our homeschool day. I am using a very generic name for what we’re doing. I’m obviously making everything age appropriate. One of the days for science we made shadow puppets, and I spoke to him about why shadows happen. When it comes to math I actually am still struggling on what to do. DJ is able to count to 100, and identify most of his numbers up to around fifty. I need to research more of what he needs to know, but for now we’re doing a bit more easier things. Our first day of his homeschool we used a bingo dauber and he marked each number with the correct amount of dots.
After two weeks I can say that creating a homeschool Pre-K schedule was exactly what we needed to get into a great routine. It has been a bit of a bumpy transition into not learning, but we are finally getting there. Above all, he is really enjoying learning new things.
What did you do for Pre-K?