Family Friendly Las Vegas: Silverton Casino Free Aquarium |
family,  Las Vegas

Family Friendly Las Vegas | Silverton Casino Free Aquarium

One of my favorite places to take my little ones is the Silverton Casino free aquarium. Normally, we will go to the buffet and then follow that up with the aquarium. On a good day we will catch the mermaid. For a schedule of when to see the mermaid, or live feeding you can check their website here.

Family Friendly Las Vegas: Silverton Casino Aquarium |

I’ve always liked the cylinder aquarium. It is beautiful. I love the aquarium even more now. Seeing things through DJ and Brooklyn’s eyes is such an amazing experience. DJ wants us to get fish for the house now. Both of them will just stare at the fish for as long as we would let them.

Family Friendly Las Vegas: Silverton Casino Aquarium |

When we first moved here at the end of 2013, the aquarium had sting rays. They took those away for a while. I’m not sure when they brought them back, but the last few times we went they were there.

Family Friendly Las Vegas: Silverton Casino Aquarium |

Las Vegas isn’t only for adults. Places like the Silverton Casino having this free aquarium is incredible awesome, because it’s just another family friendly place in Las Vegas. It just so happens that this family friendly place is inside of a casino. Also located inside of, or rather attached to, the Silverton is Bass Pro Shop. It has a waterfall & a few other smaller scaled fish tanks.

If you’re in Las Vegas, and have a way to get off of the strip I would recommend checking this place out. If you can’t get off the strip, I have a list of family friends places on the strip.


  • Paula

    That’s awesome that they provide this for free, anywhere else you’d have to pay quite a bit. Love the mermaid idea too! Its good to know Vegas isn’t just for adults, I only passed by once for a few hours in 104 heat that I couldn’t handle.

    • Samantha

      There are two other big aquariums in Vegas that you have to pay for. I’ve been to the one on the strip & loved it. Oh man, the heat here is brutal. Sometimes I wonder why we ever left NY. We are in the middle of an excessive heat warning this week. It was 107 today. Way too hot.

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