3 Cute Christmas Books for Little Kids
Welcome to day five of Blogmas! I’m sure it is not surprise I love books. That’s why I do a book of the week almost every week. I tend to stick to children’s books, and I don’t share every single book we read together. During Blogmas I’m sharing holiday themed books; however, I’m only getting to share four holiday books this month. I wanted to share three more Christmas books for little kids that I think are adorable. As usual these books are on Kindle Unlimited. We pay for it monthly, and get good use out of it. Hopefully, you can find some new books that you hadn’t heard of before.
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3 Cute Christmas Books for Little Kids
1 Where Would Santa Go?
Where Would Santa Go? by Julia Inserro is a beautifully illustrated book. It follows around Max and Lucy being taken all over the world by Santa on Christmas Eve night. It is definitely a fun book that is not only festive, but can help teach about different parts of the world. It’s definitely a must-read for the holidays. I’d say it’s good for kids as young as two and as ten. In addition, there is calendar you can get to match the book called “Countdown ’til Santa.”
2 A Silly Milly Christmas
A Silly Milly Christmas by Sheri Wall is about a great dane named Milly. It’s a great book for kids as young as one and as old as six or seven. It rhymes and is funny for little kids. It’s great to have read to them, and great once they can read it themselves. In addition, kids will love seeing Milly the great dane in all different scenarios.
3 Little Blue Truck’s Christmas

Little Blue Truck’s Christmas by Alice Schertle is a great book for young kids ages one to five. It is an easy to read book with lots of beautiful illustrations. In addition, it has counting up to the number five. Little Blue Truck is a series. In other words, if your little one loves this book they can read more of the same.
Don’t forget to check out my other holiday content. Also, check back every day until Christmas for my Blogmas posts.