Children’s Book of the Week: Bear & Hare Share! by Emily Gravett
I started a new series on my blog in the middle of March called the book of the week, and then I never posted a never book of the week again. I’d call that a huge fail. I’m back on it now though, and you’ll definitely be getting a consistent book of the week every single week. I’m sticking to children’s books for now until I find a book that I really love. My goal is to hopefully have an adult book of the week around once a month. That will give me enough time to actually find one I love, read it, and write a good post about it. I hope that this series helps you find new books that you want to read. This week’s book is Bear & Hare Share! by Emily Gravett. It’s definitely a book I have been having to read quite a bit to my littles.
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Bear & Hare Share! by Emily Gravett
This book was a gift, but to be honest I can’t remember who it was from. This is currently my favorite book to read to DJ & Brooklyn, because I’m constantly needing to remind them to share. They’re currently at an age where they don’t want to share. I’m hoping this book, along with me constantly telling them, will help them realize they need to share with each other. Bear & Hare Share! is about a bear & rabbit (hare) who are friends, but the rabbit does not want to share. They run it a bunch of problems, but bear keeps on asking him to share.
Currently, I’d say DJ is more like the bear, and Brooklyn is more like the rabbit. I’m sure it’s all about their ages though.
I would recommend this book to anyone with more than one little. It can be hard to get little ones to share with each other, and sometimes a book can help along the way.
How many little ones do you have? Do they have problems sharing?
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