Book of the Week: Lionheart by Richard Collingridge
This is the first post in my new weekly series. It is going to be my book of the week series. The plan is going to be to post every Tuesday. It’s going to be a mix of children’s books, and books that I have recently read. I’m starting off this series with a children’s book called Lionheart by Richard Collingridge. It’s one of the books DJ asks me to read to him before he goes to sleep for his nap. He usually has a different book or two for bedtime.
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Lionheart by Richard Collingridge
DJ was given Lionheart by my friend Jody as a gift for Christmas when he was one. I had tried to read it to him when he had first received it, but it was a little too old for him. He liked short books at that time, with mostly just pictures. Recently, I decided to read it to him again. It quickly became one of his favorites.
Lionheart is about a little boy, Richard, with a stuffed lion that he calls Lionheart. During the story Richard runs away, because he believes monsters are chasing him . He finds himself in a jungle with lots of animal. There he finds his Lionheart is no longer a stuffed animal, but a giant lion. Lionheart helps him overcome his fear of monsters.
I love this story, because it teaches DJ that he does not need to be scared of what he thinks are monsters. DJ loves to compare the little boy’s Lionheart toy to his Snoopy that he sleeps with every nap time and bedtime. After we read Lionheart, DJ talks about how Snoopy will keep him safe too.
I highly recommend for anyone with three to five year olds to read this story. I’m sure older kids would enjoy reading this story themselves as well.
If you have any book recommendations that you want me to cover, or just ones that you love, let me know in the comments!
What is your favorite book to read to your little?
What kind of message does it have?
Laura Jafarkhani
Cute! I haven’t heard of this one before. It sounds like my 4 year old will like it. Can’t wait to see which other books you recommend. Have you read Dragons love tacos yet? We like that one.
I actually haven’t! My friend’s son was so obsessed with it though she created a costume for him based off that book! I’m going to have to get it soon.
That’s it! I need this book in my life! Sounds adorable! I love that your little one is finding similarities with his stuffed Snoopy!!
It definitely very cute to watch him interject and mention his snoopy toy when I read this to him.
Momma Tash
This sounds brilliant! Thank you for sharing 🙂
This sounds so sweet, reminds me of a story called Jonathan James and the whatif monster- it’s an usborne book about worry and fear and turning a what if I can’t to a what if I can? It’s so sweet, I bet he’d love it too.
Hope to see some more of your book reviews!
Thank you for the recommendation! I’ll check it out!
I’m really trying to get my daughter to read more so this is really helpful.
I have found that books that relate a little more to my son’s feelings and life have made him more eager to be read to!
Arianne P
Great post, I cannot wait to read books like these to my daughter. She 8 months so I read little books to her but I cannot wait until I can have her a little book shelf with these kinds of story books.