Goals for 2019
This past year was a year of new beginnings, and unfortunately loss. I lost my grandma. One of my favorite people in the world. David lost his cousin and grandma. It was definitely a trying year. It was also the year I started blogging again, and started The Vegas Mom. I’ll be the first one to tell you I don’t like doing resolution, because I feel like nobody really holds themselves accountable to following through with them. I prefer making realistic goals. I wanted to share with you my goals for 2019.
How do I set my goals?
I try to set my goals in a way that I know I will able to achieve them. I look at the upcoming years and think what do I want to accomplishing this year? Once I figure out my goals for the year, I break them up into monthly goals. A few of my goals are broken down into weekly goals.
What the point?
Setting goals is a way to hold myself accountable, and have something to work for. As a stay at home mom, I find that my days can end up bleeding one into the next. It can feel like I’m on autopilot sometimes. Goals make me feel like my days have more of a purpose.
My Goals for 2019
1) Be the best Mom I can be
This will always be my number one goal. I know it’s not an actual goal. I’m always striving to be the best Mom I can be. It wouldn’t really need to be on this list. However, I find sometimes I’m on my phone too much. Sometimes I am spending too much time blogging while they are awake. This one is just to remind me to put down my phone, close my laptop, and take care of myself. Those three things will always help me be the best mom for DJ & Brooklyn.
2) Post 3-4 blog posts a week
I’m clearly not doing well in this category so far, but lets just say I’m starting this now. I want to make sure I get out a minimum of 3 posts a week, and at least one of them is a food post. January should have a lot of good content. Brooklyn’s birthday and party is this month, and Valentine’s Day is around the corner. This is one of my goals
3) Social Media goals
One of my goals that gets broken down from a yearly into a monthly are my goals for different social media channels. For example, my Instagram goal for 2019 is to reach 2,0o0 followers. Since I’m currently at 1,180 that means I broke it down to needing approximately 69 new followers a month. This is my only goal that since I’m not in total control of it, I won’t be as upset if I don’t reach my goals.
These are my social media goals:
Instagram – Yearly: 2,000 Monthly 69
Facebook – Yearly 500 Monthly 15
Twitter – Yearly 1,000 Monthly 50
Here’s hoping I can meet these goals, but if I don’t I’m not going to stress.
I hope that 2019 is my best year yet. A year full of love and happiness. I hope the same for all of you as well. In the meantime, you should check out fun winter craft this you can do with your little ones!
What are your goals for 2019?

Goal setting is so important! It looks like you have great goals for 2019. I need to get to my goals setting for the year 😉
I definitely relate in my own goals! I hope your 2019 brings you everything you are working toward!
I like how you’ve set up your goals – the mom role & your blog and social media goals. This is very much like me but I do it each month.
Honestly, I think 3-4 post a week will be a bit extreme for one person. I think you should focus on maybe one or two there for you can make sure the content quality is great. Put more postings into your social media because that will help grow your followers and attract more readers. I love that you set goals for yourself!
Julia Randall
I love goal setting and then checking back on them in a few months. Even if you don’t reach them, it gives you time to re-prioritize!