Instant Pot Peppermint Hot Chocolate |
Food,  Holidays

Instant Pot Peppermint Hot Chocolate

Welcome to day three of Blogmas! Today I’m sharing one of my favorite winter drinks, Instant Pot peppermint hot chocolate. I love the mix of mint and chocolate; however, I only like a hint of mint. In addition, I love anything I can make in my Instant Pot. I hope after you try this it makes you feel as cozy as I do. You can make this recipe even if you don’t like peppermint by leaving out a single ingredient.

Items Needed:

Instant Pot

Measuring Cups and Spoons


Instant Pot Peppermint Hot Chocolate

Firstly, I wanted to say this is the easier hot chocolate I have ever made. That is if you don’t count hot chocolate packets. I started by putting all the ingredients in my instant pot; milk, cocoa powder, chocolate chips, and mint extract. I gave that all a good whisk together.

After that I turned my Instant Pot to slow cook and set the timer to two hours and thirty minutes. Honestly, I think the longer it sits the better it tastes. Be sure to whisk every once in a while once it’s in warm mode.

Honestly, that is all you have to do. I told you it is insanely easy to make. I like to keep things simple. If you don’t like peppermint you can omit the peppermint extract. Another thing I love it so add in a little bit of Bailey’s. It’s especially delicious added into coffee to make a peppermint mocha. Honestly, the possibilities are endless with this recipe.

Instant Pot Peppermint Hot Chocolate |

Don’t forget to check out my other holiday content and recipes! I’ll be posting everyday until Christmas. Don’t forget to come check out the rest of Blogmas this month.

Do you like the combination of peppermint and chocolate?
Do you prefer hot chocolate packets or to make it from scratch?

Instant Pot Peppermint Hot Chocolate


  • 4 c Milk
  • 3 tbsp cocoa powder
  • 1/2 tsp mint extract
  • 2/3 c semi-sweet chocolate chips


  1. Add all ingredients into Instant Pot, whisk together.
  2. Set Instant Pot to slow cook for 2 1/2 hours.
  3. Enjoy!
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