Two Under Two Is A Good Thing

Two Under Two Is A Good Thing.

I know there is a lot of stigma around having 2 under 2. I remember finding out I was pregnant with Brooklyn when DJ was only 8 months old, and I panicked. He was only 16 months old when she was born. Now that I’m out of the 2 under 2 club, I truly believe two under two is a good thing.

Two Under Two Is A Good Thing

Two Under Two Is A Good Thing

I know, you probably think I’m crazy. How is having two under two a good thing? You’ll have to trust me on this one. Now maybe it’s just that it was a good thing for me. Every child is different, as is every family. For my family though, it has been incredible. Of course in those first weeks it was rough. Brooklyn was up all night, and unlike when DJ was first born, I couldn’t sleep when she slept. I had to be up during the day with DJ. When DJ napped, most likely Brooklyn was awake. I had to come up with a good schedule pretty fast. Also, I was living off of at least 6 cups of Iced Coffee a day.

We got pretty lucky around 6 weeks, Brooklyn started sleep through the night. She stopped that luck around 9 months though. After those 6 weeks things got much easier. It’s crazy how much your life can improve with a little sleep.

Two Under Two Is A Good Thing

Two Under Two Is A Good Thing

Fast forward to when Brooklyn was around 8 or 9 months, DJ and Brooklyn became the best of friends. This is why I believe two under two is a good thing. Since the moment Brooklyn started using her Jumperoo, they became best friends. DJ always wanted to play with her, and Brooklyn would light up whenever he would. When she started crawling they would play even more, and now that she runs around with him they are inseparable. I know, of course they’re inseparable… they live together. That’s true, but they love to play with each other. When its time to go a different room or downstairs in the morning, DJ always reminds me to bring Brooklyn.

Two Under Two Is A Good Thing

Two Under Two Is A Good Thing

Two Under Two Is A Good Thing

I love that I had two under two, and that they are only 16 months apart. I wouldn’t have done it any other way. Please believe me when I tell you, two under two is a good thing. You just need to get past those first weeks of no sleep. A good schedule and coffee will become your new best friends.

Two Under Two Is A Good Thing


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