Michael's Kids Club | www.thevegasmom.com
family,  Las Vegas

Michaels Kids Club

I’m always looking for new things to do with DJ & Brooklyn that is both fun and inexpensive. I want to take them to different places. I finally listened to my friend about going to the Michaels Kids Club on Saturday. It was definitely a lot of fun. They have two different crafts depending on the age group. When we went the theme was hedgehogs. DJ was ecstatic.

Every Saturday from 10 am to noon Michaels has their Kids Club. They have a 3+ craft for $2 and a 6+ craft for $5. We did the 3+ hedgehog craft for DJ, and they gave Brooklyn markers and paper to color. I was impressed with how well Brooklyn sat there and colored for the hour that we were there.

Michaels Kids Club | www.thevegasmom.com

Michaels Kids Club | www.thevegasmom.com

The actual craft that DJ did was so cute. Since he’s never used scissors before they had him rip the pieces of paper for the hedgehog’s body. I’m almost one hundred percent positive that his favorite part was using a glue stick! I can’t say I blame him, who doesn’t love glue sticks. He was really excited it was a hedgehog, because he loves Hey Duggee and the character Hedgley the hedgehog. He immediately called him Hedgley once he finished. It was adorable. I definitely loved seeing him be creative. Next time I go, I want Brooklyn to do it too.. even if it turns out completely a mess. I want them both to have a creative outlet that they don’t have at home.

Michaels Kids Club | www.thevegasmom.com

Michaels Kids Club | www.thevegasmom.com

If you want to go to Michaels for their Kids Club, you can check out their schedule for which crafts they will be doing here. Click on the Kid’s Programs, enter your zip code, and select the store you want to go to. They also have adults crafts called MAKE break on the same days that I’m excited for. On September 22nd DJ and Brooklyn will make a clay fish from 10 to noon, and from 1 to 3 I will make a fall wreath! It won’t take the full two hours for either craft, so I’ll probably take them out to lunch in between the two crafts!

Have you ever been to Michaels Kids Club or MAKE break? Would you ever go in the future?


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