BOTW: Can You Tell Me How to Get to Sesame Street? |

Book of the Week: Can You Tell Me How to Get to Sesame Street? by Eleanor Hudson

This week’s book of the weeks is Can You Tell Me How to Get to Sesame Street? by Eleanor Hudson. They love Elmo a lot. Which makes this book a huge hit.

My Mom actually got this book for DJ and Brooklyn at Kohl’s a while back. One of the things I love about this book in particulate is that my mom bought it at Kohl’s, because it was part of their Kohl’s Cares program. That mean 100% of the new profit was donated to childcare’s initiatives in communities nationwide.

BOTW: Can You Tell Me How to Get to Sesame Street? |

This story follows Elmo around as he is up in the sky after being flown into the air while flying a kite. As he is flying around we see all the different things he sees below him. Elmo interacts with all the different animals he sees trying to find his way back to Sesame Street. Joe Mathieu illustrated this book beautifully. It is full of beautiful colors that DJ and Brooklyn love.

BOTW: Can You Tell Me How to Get to Sesame Street? |

One of their favorite things to do is to make the noises that the animals make after Elmo asks them how to get to Sesame Street. Specifically, they love quacking like the ducks in the book. They will quack for quite a while to the point we have to pause reading for a few minutes.

I would recommend Can You Tell Me How to Get to Sesame Street? to anybody with a child who loves the show Sesame Street or Elmo in general. I think that regardless of if they like either, they will like this book. It is great for toddlers, preschools, and even children first learning how to read. The words are all fairly easy to read.

Check out my last book of the week: Bare & Hare Share! , or my New York style pizza recipe.

Do you kid’s like Elmo or Sesame Street?

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